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photo by
anthony wong |
¤FÂ_ | 01/06/2005 |
³£¤Q¦~, ²×©ón§@Ó¤FÂ_. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¯îÂÕ¤é°O | 08/05/2005 |
¤j®a¦n, §ÚÁÙ¦b. ¶ZÂ÷¤W¤@½g¤ß±¡¤w¸g¤TÓ¤ë. ³o¤TÓ¤ë§Ú·F¤F¨Ç¤°»ò?
¥h¤F¨º¸Ì? §¹¥þ¬O¤@Ó¦r¨Ó§Î®e: ¦£ |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
·P°Ê | 23/02/2005 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¥[§Q®æÄõªº³ß®b | 18/01/2005 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
§Úªº¤Q¤j2004 (¹q¼v³¡) | 03/01/2005 |
¦~¦~³£¿ï, µ²ªG¦~¦~³£ÅÜ¥ª¤Q´X¤j. ¤µ¦~³£ø¨Ò¥~, ¤@¼Ë¤Q¤¤j±Æ¦W¤£¤À¥ý«á. ©ô¨¤¶Â©] |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
§Úªº¤Q¤j2004 (°Û¤ù³¡) | 03/01/2005 |
¤S¤@¦~, ¥»¦a°Û¤ù·~¦º¤U¦º¤U, Ä~ºë¿ïºÐ4CD³æºÐ»ù¼ö¼é«á²×¨£¦³¦n§@«~¥X²{. 03/¥|©u -±çº~¤å |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2005 anthony wong all rights reserved |
Never Say Never | 20/12/2004 |
¬Ý¬Ý¤W¤@½g¤å³¹¬Oþ¤Ñ¥Z¥X? ¤Ñ°Ú! ³ºµM¬O¨âÓ¤ë«eªº¨Æ. §Ú¥i¥H§i¶D§A,
¦Û±q§Ú·h¤F¸òB¤@°_¥Í¬¡«á, ¤é¤l¹L±o«Ü§Ö, ¦Ó¥B¨C¤Ñ¨C®É¨C¨è³£¦b¦£µÛ. ¦³ÂI³Ý¤£¹L®ð. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
µ¥ | 07/10/2004 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
Åå³ß | 27/09/2004 |
¤H¥Í¥»¬O¥Rº¡Åå³ß. ¦ý¦³®É³o¨ÇÅå³ß¬ðµM½ÄµÛ§A¨Ó®É, ¯uªº·|±þÓ§A±¹¤â¤£¤Î.
¤H¥ÍµL±`, ¤W¬P´Á§Ú²×©ó¦A¨£¹J¤W. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
Äê°Û¤ù | 31/08/2004 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¤W®ü |
27/08/2004 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
·s©~ |
30/07/2004 |
²×©ó·h¤F·s©~, ·Q¤£¨ì©ó§ä´M·s©~®É¤w§xÃø««. §Ú³ß·Rªº¨Ã¤£¥NªíB¤]º¡·N.
¦ýBÁé·Nªº¤]¤£¥Nªí§Ú¥ç¦P·N. ´X¸g´M§ä, ª§©í¤§«á²×©ó±o¨ì¦@ÃÑ. §ä¨ì¤@³B§Údz£¦P·Nªº¦a¤è. ÁöµM¤£¬O«Ü°ª¶Q, ±¿n¤jªº³æ¦ì. ¦ýÀR¤¤±a©ô«o¬O¸Ó³BªºÀuÂI.
¦b§ä·s©~´Á¶¡, ¹ï§Ú³o¦ìªìô, ¯uªºÀò¯q¤£¤Ö. ¦Ü¤Ö¤°»òÀ³¸ÓÀˬd, ¤°»ò¬O"¹ê¥Î±¿n".... |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
»ó¤ò |
30/06/2004 |
°O±o´¿¸g©ó¬Y³¡¥»¦a¿W¥ß¼v¤ù¤¤, ¨º¤¤¦~¦Ñ¥~¥D¨¤¯º¨¥: ´N¬O³o¼Ë©_©Ç,
¤H¨ì¤¤¦~, ¥jÆFºë©Çªº¤ò¾v´N·|¦b¨¤W¥ô¦ó¦aÆp¥X¨Ó. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¥xÆW¦L¶H |
24/05/2004 |
¥xÆW, ¤]³\¬O¤¤°ê¤H³Ì«á¤å©ú, ¥Á¥Dªº¦a¤è. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
§ÚªºHKIFF 2004 |
04/2004 |
Day 1 Father and Son/Anything Else 쥻¤µ¦~B¥J³£¦³¥÷À°§Ú´z¤ù, µ²ªG¤S«Y¨ìÁ{§À´X¤é¸ÜÚ§Úª¾: ³£«Y§A¨M©w°Õ! ¿E¦º! Day 2 çÜ¦í¦¨«¦Ñ²Óøª¾. ÂIª¾¥h¨ì½XÀY³ºµM¨£¦Ñ²Ó³£¹L®ü, ¥òn«Y§À¯Z²î, ¨«ø¥Ï! ¨£¥ú¦º! Day 3 ©O®M«Y¤µ¦~§Ú³Ì"«á³Æ"¤§¿ï¨ä¤¤¤@®M, ¦ýµ²ªG³ß¥X±æ¥~! Day 4 ·¥¤§¤Þ¤H¤J³Ó¬J¬ö¿ý¤ù. ¯u¬Û¬O¯u¬O°²¤w¸g«Y¤Ó¿ð, ¦ý¾ã³¡¤ù¥ÑÀY¨ì§À´N¦n¦ü¯u¤HÄÌ, ±N¤H©Ê±À¨ì·¥. ·Pı´N¦n¦ü·í¦~²»ô¥ó¨Æ¤@¼ËËݾ_¾Ù. P.S. ¨£¨ì§À¬q¥D¤H¯ÎӲӨЬJ¥t¤@¥b¥X²{®É´Nµo²{¦³®É¦³D³¥´N¯u«Y"¦Û¤Ö°ö¾i"! Day 5 The Barbarian Invasions/Janis and John ü! ¦P¦L«×·d¥ª¦¨¤é, ª±¨ì§ÚÁÂ. ²v¤§µL±oÚ»The Barbarian Invasions, ¦ýB¥J¦PªB¤ÍÚ»§¹«á¸Ü©O®M«Y¤µ¦~³Ì¨Î¹q¼v! ¦n°·P¤H! ü! ¿ù¹L¥ª²K~~ ¦U¤j¤½¥q, §ÖD¶RÊ\µf¾¤°Õ~~ §Ú¦P¦L«×Á¿, §Ú19:59´NÂ÷¶}¤½¥q, §Ú·|ÉA³¥³£Å¥ø¨ì! §Y¨è¸¨®¨ì¤j·|°óÚ»Janis and John. ÂIª¾... Day 6 Song for a Raggy Boy ¤Ñ¦â¤wº¥¨I, ¸¨¤é¦pÃú¿O, ²`²`²`. Day 7 The Adventure of Iron Pussy «¬B¤ß±¡¨«¶i¦³°}¨ý¬J·s´ä1°|. è°¥J¾Éºt¬O¤é»ZÀY. ¯u¤Hè°¹L¤WÃè. Day 8 Not on the Lips ²×©ó§¹°Ç! ÅT¤å¤Æ¤¤¤ßupper circle, ´N¦n¦üÅT¤s³»±æ¸¨¤¤Àô¬Ó¦Z¤j¹D¤¤Ý¯ÃäÓ¨k¤H«Y¦a¤¤®ü, ¦³W¦Û¤vª¾. ¦A¥[¤W¤µ±ß¦³¦ì¶Â¦ç¤H¤£°±ÅT«á±´X±Æ¦æ¾¤¦æ¥h§¤¤U¥ø¤U¦n¦ü°ËÝ. ¥ò¥H¬°¦Û¤v©çºò³±¶§µ¸²ÄN¶°. ¤@®M¦³½ì¬Jºq»R¤ù, ÁöµMÚ»±o¨¯W: ¤Ó»·, ¤SnÚ»µe±¤Sn°l¦r¹õ. ¦ý¤@¬y³õ±½Õ«×¤Î¦U¤H°°¨ºt¥X, ¤£¥¢¬°¤@³¡¹ï«Ý¼v·ö¬J¨Î§@. ¥ç¥O§ÚçÜ°_Woody Allen§@: ¬°©p°Û±¡ºq. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¼öÂfÂc¥i¼Ö |
30/03/2004 |
ªñ¤éªì¹J·P«_, ¦³±ß¸òB¥X¥~¦Y±ß¶º. §Ú̳q±`³£¥u·|¤W´M±`ªºÀ]¤l, ¤£¬O¹ï°ª©|ªºÀ\À]¦³°¾¨£,
¥u¬O¸gÀÙ¤W¤£³\¦ó, ¤£¯à°÷t¾á¦Ó¤x. ¦³¨Ç´¶³qªºÀ]¤l¤]¦³¥i¤fªºµæ¥i¦Y, »ù¿ú¤£¶QÀô¹Ò¤]¤£®tù. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¦æ¤s |
25/03/2004 |
»{ÃѨk¤ÍB¤§«á, ¤]¸ò¥L³ßÅw¤F³oÓ¹B°Ê. ³oÓ¹B°Ê´N¬O¦æ¤s! |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
µLÃD |
11/03/2004 |
¤G¤ë, ¹ï§Ú¨Ó»¡¬O¤ñ¸û¨I«ªº¤@Ó¤ë. ¤£ª¾¬O§_§Úªº¦æ˹B. µ¹§O¤H®£À~¸òµÛ" ALL MAG"µo¥Í¤j¦a¾_¦M¾÷. «eªÌ¤w¸Ñ¨M¦ý«áªÌ¤´¥¼¨£¦³§ïµ½.
©Î³\[§ÚÂø»x]¯uªº¨«¨ì¨ä¥½¸ô©Î¤]³\"¦o"¬O»Ýn¥t¤@·ø©ú¿O±a»â. |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
¥_¨Ê¡C³· |
29/01/2004 |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net | (c)
2004 anthony wong all rights reserved |
webmaster@mysimplelife.net |
simple life
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